Friday, August 6, 2010

Did you know that if you were to look at everything in the Vatican Museum for 60 seconds it would take you 12 years?

Roma, Italia… First Impression: Dirty.

Let’s put it this way, I see it as the NYC of Europe. Roma is overcrowded, dirty, beautiful and busy.. but you can’t fight the urge to want to stay there and maybe fall in love. (I’m telling you, it’s New York.)

I loved Rome. I think it’s so cool that I got to stand on the oldest street in Rome, where Julius Cesar got killed. I mean, you’re walking around ON history. Seeing things that are well over 2,000 years old. Where do you see that in America?

You can all safely assume that I ate my face off in pasta, pizza and gelato. It is no joke that it’s everywhere. Especially Gelato. There’s Gelaterias on every corner and people eat it at all times of the day. I’m not one for sweets but the gelato is just so good I had to eat it everyday.

I guess I never thought of how dirty Rome would be because Spain is so clean… but that’s what happens when your country within the city, The Vatican, has over 30,000 visitors A DAY.

Did you know that if you were to look at everything in the Vatican Museum for 60 seconds it would take you 12 years?

Now the Vatican. W-o-w. That might be one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my entire life. I just think it’s crazy that they have their own currency, passport, postal code, etc.

Walking into the Vatican and then through the Museum, into the Sistine Chapel (holy shit Michaelangelo was good) and then into St. Peter’s Basilica was breathtaking. Sculptures, Maps, Tapestry.. all of it, everywhere and beautiful. Marble, Limestone and this beautiful purple Marble – I forgot the name (it’s 10x more expensive then gold but you can’t get it anymore because the Vatican took about 90% of it from Africa.)

Now of course we did the Colosseum. Did you know it used to be covered entirely in marble and limestone? (They joke and say Renaissance means recycle because that’s what they did with the material… stole it make other buildings around the city.)

When I walked in I tried to imagine 60,000 people roaring for slaves to kill each other. They estimate that over a million people were killed there. Is it bad that this made me want to watch the movie Gladiator?

Anyway, I fell in love with Rome, like I’m sure most people do. I want to go back, explore some more places to eat and maybe shop? ;)

1 comment:

  1. lol, this post cracked me up. rome is so effing dirty. i have family there and as kids we'd go every other summer and it was always a love/hate relationship i had. the vatican was definitely my fave part tho. going again this december and cant wait :)
